If you would like to learn m ore or are interested in having your loved one apply to be on the waiting list please contact us at (805) 497-0189 or email caregiversupport@seniorconcerns.org

Adult Day Center

What Are Your Hours?

Program hours for the center are Monday through Friday from 10:00am and 2:00pm

What kind of activities do you provide?

We have a range of activities and maintain a full activity calendar. The basic schedule for the day includes social time, guided discussions, two main activities that rotate daily, chair exercise, lunch, and morning and afternoon snack. The main activities may include art therapy, brain games, active games, music and more!

Does Medicare cover Adult Daycare?

No, unfortunately, Medicare does not cover the cost of Adult Daycare. At this time, the only insurance that may cover the cost of Adult Daycare is private Long Term Care Insurance.

How much does it cost?

The monthly cost is based on the number of days you attend.

Program                                                                 Monthly Fee

  • Adult Day Program 5 days a week           $1,300
  • Adult Day Program 4 days a week           $1,040
  • Adult Day Program 3 days a week           $780
  • Adult Day Program 2 days a week           $520
  • Adult Day Program 1 day a week             $260

Are meals provided and are they included in the cost of the program?

We serve coffee/tea and a morning snack, a hot lunch, and an afternoon snack. There is no additional cost for meals.

Do you have transportation?

We do not provide transportation. Participants may choose to use the city Dial A Ride program. If you would like to use this program, we can explain more about how it works.

Do you give medication at the center?

Medication can be held here and dispensed by our staff with an appropriate order from the participant’s medical doctor. Medications also must be in an original pharmacy container with the pharmacy label. Families are responsible for obtaining the order from the physician and providing the center with the medications. Participants are not allowed to take medication on their own (without supervision) and any medications to be taken at the center must be held in our secure medication room.

What is needed for admission to the center?

A full admission packet much be completed, including a TB test/chest x-ray completed within the past year, and a physician’s report completed by the participant’s doctor.

Who is NOT eligible for participation at the center?

If an individual cannot bear weight and/or needs more than one person to assist him/her in the restroom and for transfers, he or she may not be eligible for the center. In addition, someone who requires one to one assistance to be able to participate in programs, who is combative and/or a danger to him/herself or others, may also not be appropriate. We are happy to talk through your loved one’s care needs to see if they can benefit from our program.

What services are available for caregivers/family members?

In addition to the respite provided by having a loved one attend the center, Senior Concerns offers several support groups for the family caregiver. Senior Concerns also offers educational seminars, and provides one on one care consultation and support for the family caregiver. Please reach out and let us know how we can assist you and your family.

Important Links

Please visit some of the other organizations that provide information and/or support you may find valuable.

Please note: Senior Concerns is not responsible for content on other web sites.
Alzheimer’s Foundation of America
Alzheimer’s Association
Area Agency on Aging – County of Ventura
National Association of Areas on Aging
Ventura County HICAP

Senior Concerns is a proud member of: