Senior Advocate
Martha Shapiro, Director of Programs at Senior Concerns, authors a weekly column for the Ventura County Star titled “Senior Advocate,” focusing on issues affecting seniors and their family caregivers.
What You Need to Know About Medicare Open Enrollment
Q: My friend convinced me to join her Medicare plan, but my costs have been very high this year. What do I need to know about open enrollment for Medicare for next year? A: It is common for friends to share information about their health plans and, while this [...]
It is never too late to be prepared for a power outage
Q: I am never prepared when the power goes out! What can I do to be ready if it happens again? A: I believe it is never too late to get prepared. Recently we have experienced a heat wave that brought with it a flex alert, meaning the electricity [...]
Preparing to bring a loved one home from the hospital
Q: My husband recently had surgery and has been in the hospital for 4 days. What do I need to do to prepare to bring him home? A: Having a plan in place to ensure for your husband’s care and comfort at home is important to make his transition smooth [...]
Addressing trouble with language and speech
Q: I am having trouble with my words. I have started saying the wrong words and have trouble recalling the word I need. Is there something I can do to help this? A: Trouble with language can be caused by several different medical issues. Often it stems from a functioning [...]
What is Dementia Friendly America?
Q: What is Dementia Friendly America? Do we have a local group in Ventura County? A: Dementia Friendly America (DFA) is a nationwide network of communities who strive to support people with dementia and their family caregivers. A dementia friendly community is informed, safe and respectful of individuals with the [...]
Nostalgia becomes more powerful as we age
Q: Why is nostalgia such a powerful thing as we get older? A: Nostalgia is that longing feeling we may have as we look back on memories with fondness. It can often feel like looking back onto the “good old days.” It is not a surprise that this feeling grows [...]
Aggressive behavior and dementia
Q: Why do some people become aggressive when they have dementia? A: Dementia is a general term for memory loss and loss of other cognitive abilities that is severe enough to interfere with daily life. The most common form is Alzheimer’s disease, which accounts for 60-80% of all cases of [...]
Does Medicare cover therapy services?
Q: Does Medicare cover therapy services? A: Medicare Part B does cover therapy services and other mental health outpatient services. Individual and group psychotherapy with approved licensed professionals is covered. In addition, psychiatric evaluation, medication management, family counseling (if important to help with your treatment), depression screening, and more are [...]
Are there really secrets to healthy aging and longevity?
Q: What are the secrets to healthy aging and longevity? A: Perhaps the secrets to healthy aging and living a long life are not so secret! When I look this up online the main answers are what one would expect: staying engaged with friends and family, eating healthy, and exercising [...]
Managing new roles when a spouse has health issues
Q: My husband just had a stroke and now has some memory problems. He had been taking care of all the household finances. How do I know where to start to figure out what bills to pay? A: Caring for your husband after a stroke can be all consuming. There [...]
Trusting your “gut” is a large piece in making decisions
Q: It feels like there is so much available information when I am trying to make decisions, from deciding if I should move, to what doctor to see, to even which restaurant to go to! How can I know if I am making the right decisions? A: I think the [...]
Quitting smoking at any age has benefits
Q: I am over 70 years old. Is there really any benefit to quitting smoking now when I have already smoked most of my adult life? A: The short answer to your question is yes. However, the longer answer is not as simple. If you have been smoking for over [...]
Managing inflation on a fixed income
Q: How can I help manage my money better when inflation has prices rising and my income is fixed? A: The rising prices of everything from groceries to gas are squeezing budgets tighter. Yet, for most older adults their income is staying the same. According to the National Council on [...]
Managing the hot weather
Q: I find that high temperatures put me in a bad mood. Do you have any tips for managing the hot weather? A: Weather often affects our mood, and can really change the way we feel about our day. When the weather is sunny and mild, it can increase good [...]
Understanding the difference between home caregivers and Home Health Care Agencies
Q: Can you explain the difference between in home caregivers and home health care agencies? A: Many people do not understand the difference between in home caregivers and Home Health Care Agencies that are covered by Medicare. It is important to understand the difference and the limits of each type [...]
Memory problems, even at a young age, need to be assessed
Q: I am worried about my friend who seems to be having memory problems. Could she have dementia at only age 55? A: It is possible for someone to have dementia, or Early onset Alzheimer’s disease, at age 55. However, any time you notice memory changes it is always important [...]
Pride Month is significant to everyone, including older adults
Q: What is the significance of Pride month for older adults? A: All people deserve an opportunity to age with dignity, free from discrimination, and surrounded by not only the people they love but also by service providers that support their needs. Pride month was created to support this goal [...]
Is a second opinion necessary when considering surgery?
Q: My friends all say I should get a second opinion from another doctor before scheduling surgery. I trust my doctor and do not want to go through the hassle of finding someone else. Is getting a second opinion necessary? A: Having a planned surgery that is not an emergency [...]
Is getting a second opinion necessary when considering surgery?
Q: My friends all say I should get a second opinion from another doctor before scheduling surgery. I trust my doctor and do not want to go through the hassle of finding someone else. Is getting a second opinion necessary? A: Having a planned surgery that is not an emergency [...]
Setting boundaries with adult children
Q: I take care of my husband who has dementia. Our adult children are always trying to hire help for me or give me their opinions. How can I tell them nicely that I do not want their help? A: It must feel difficult to hear your children offer opinions [...]