Senior Advocate
Martha Shapiro, Director of Programs at Senior Concerns, authors a weekly column for the Ventura County Star titled “Senior Advocate,” focusing on issues affecting seniors and their family caregivers.
Finding Friends After Moving To A New Community
Q: I just retired and moved by myself to live closer to my children so I can be near them as I age. How can I make a new community for myself and find new friends at this stage of life? A: I was recently at an event where they [...]
What To Do When A Loved One With Alzheimer’s Does Not Want Help
Q: My father was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, but he still lives alone and insists he does not need any help. I care about him and am worried. How do I know when I need to get more involved? A: I am sorry to hear your father was [...]
What To Do If Your Parent Refuses To Use A Walker
Q: My mom’s doctor recommended that she use a walker, but she refuses. How can I convince her she needs to use the walker? A: Many people are in the same situation as you. They can see their loved one would be safer with a walker, but that person just [...]
How To Decide If Therapy Is Right For You
Q: I am considering going to therapy, but I have never been before. How can I know what to expect and if it will help me? A: I commend you for doing something good for yourself and your mental health. Start by being proud of yourself for wanting to take [...]
Necessary Legal Documents For Seniors
Q: What legal documents do I need to have in place as I age or if my spouse or I become ill? A: Every adult should think about and put documents in place for their advance care planning. This means preparing for future decisions to be made about your medical [...]
How Can I Stop Worrying About Things I Can’t Control?
Q: I often find myself worrying about things I cannot control. How can I stop myself from worrying all the time? A: Worrying and anxiety can be a normal part of our lives. In fact, some worrying helps ensure we get things done. We worry about bills being paid, or [...]
If You’re A Caregiver, Do You Have A Backup Plan?
Q: I care for my husband who has dementia. How can I have a plan for what happens if I suddenly cannot care for him? A: I strongly urge all family caregivers responsible for a loved one to come up with a backup plan in case they suddenly are not [...]
What Is Older Americans Month?
Q: What is Older American’s Month? A: May is recognized as Older American’s Month and is led by the Administration for Community Living. This year is the 60th anniversary of the year that President John F. Kennedy issued the first proclamation marking this month. It is recognized as a [...]
Local Services for the LGBT+ Community
Q: I am caring for my same-sex partner who has dementia. As a gay couple, are there any local services or support that can address our unique care needs? A: Caring for someone with dementia is challenging for everyone. However, people in the LGBT+ community may face compounded challenges due [...]
Great Local Hiking Trails
Q: Do you have suggestions on hiking outdoors now that the weather is getting nicer? A: Spring is my favorite time of year. I always mark the beginning of the season with a pedicure so that I am ready to wear sandals and enjoy the warm weather. The blue skies [...]
Q: What is the Power Saver Rewards program, and do I need to apply?
Q: What is the Power Saver Rewards program, and do I need to apply? A: Southern California Edison has created a program to help incentivize people to reduce their use of energy during heat waves. As we have all seen last year, when there are heat waves the energy grid [...]
How To Protect Yourself From Fraud
Q: What do seniors need to know to protect themselves from fraud? A: Older adults are targeted by scammers because they are believed to have a lot of money in the bank. They also are at a greater risk of cognitive decline, which may impair their judgement and make them [...]
The Difference Between Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease
Q: Can you explain the difference between dementia and Alzheimer’s disease? A: I often get this question from people who are confused about the terms. Dementia is an umbrella term that describes the symptoms of memory loss that are severe enough to interfere with your daily life. Alzheimer’s is a [...]
Alternatives to Driving
Q: I am no longer driving, and I am having trouble figuring out how to do my errands and get groceries. Do you have any suggestions? A: It is a challenge to figure out new ways to do things when you no longer can drive yourself. Especially in this area [...]
Q: How much water should I drink every day to stay healthy?
Q: How much water should I drink every day to stay healthy? A: Staying well hydrated is always important, but even more so as we age. One National Institute of Health study showed that those who drink enough fluids stay healthier and develop less chronic conditions than those who do [...]
Q: What is Social Work appreciation month?
Q: What is Social Work appreciation month? A: March is recognized as National Social Work month. It was first organized in March of 1963 by the National Association of Social Workers as a way to encourage public support for the profession. As a social worker, I love to recognize this month and [...]
Long-Distance Caregiving
Recently my father had emergency surgery in another state, and I had to find ways to support him and my mother from afar. I learned a few things from this experience that may be useful to others going through similar situations. When someone does not ask for help, it can [...]
Tips for Planning A Trip
Q: I have not traveled since the pandemic, but I think I am ready to go on a trip. I am much older now and worried about the stamina needed to travel. How can I plan a trip that I will enjoy and will not exhaust me? A: Traveling can [...]
Self Care Tips For Caregivers
Q: I am caring for my husband who has dementia and I am exhausted. How can I better take care of myself while caring for him? A: Caring for a loved one is a beautiful and loving thing to do, and it is also exhausting. It can be both [...]
Tax -Free Preparation Services For Seniors
Q: Where can I find free tax preparation this year for seniors? A: Free tax preparation services are available for seniors aged 60 or older, and to anyone with income of $60,000 or less, regardless of age. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has operated a Volunteer Income Tax Assistance [...]