Senior Advocate
Martha Shapiro, Director of Programs at Senior Concerns, authors a weekly column for the Ventura County Star titled “Senior Advocate,” focusing on issues affecting seniors and their family caregivers.
How To Destress The Thanksgiving Holiday
Q: How can I enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday this year without feeling so stressed? A: Holiday gatherings can feel stressful for many different reasons. Some of us are hosting and feel pressure to make the experience wonderful for everyone who attends. Some of us are caring for a loved [...]
November is National Family Caregivers Month
Over 40 million Americans provide unpaid care to an aging loved one or an adult with disabilities. November was first declared National Family Caregivers month in 1997 and has been proclaimed every year since by the President in office. It is a time to celebrate, recognize and thank those who [...]
How To Cope With Memory Related Issues
Q: What are some ways I can cope with my memory slowing down as I age? A: It is normal to experience some memory related issues as we age. Recalling words or names may take longer, and you may misplace things from time to time. This is different than dementia, [...]
Veterans’ Benefits Explained
Q: How can I learn more about Veterans benefits and see if my dad qualifies now that he needs more care? A: In our country, we estimate there are over 18 million Veterans who have served in conflicts around the world including World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam [...]
Maintaining Your Mental Health Amidst Bad News
Q: I cannot stop watching the news all day and it is making me anxious. How can I balance staying informed with my mental health? A: Many people struggle with this issue, including myself. We want to stay informed and not ignore the reality of the world news, but the [...]
The Importance of Creating Connections
Recently, I participated in a support group and I was reminded about the importance of creating connections. In my career working with older adults and family caregivers I have often commented that my goal is to create community. Creating community, to me, means that people start to see they [...]
Talking Respectfully To A Person With Disabilities
Q: How can I be sure that I am treating people with disabilities with respect? I always worry I will say the wrong thing. A: I really appreciate your question and think it is always important to remind ourselves not to stereotype people with disabilities or make assumptions about them. [...]
Talking To A Parent Who May Not Drive Safely Anymore
Q: I don’t think my mother is a safe driver anymore. How can I talk to her about stopping driving? A: Driving is a sensitive topic at any age. Especially here in Southern California where most of us rely on our cars as our only means of transportation. Transportation equals [...]
What Can We Do To Help Combat Ageism?
Q: What can we do to help combat ageism? A: This is a great question and one we all need to think about. Just today I was at the Ventura County Area Agency on Aging Advisory Council meeting where ageism was discussed by the Chair of the Council, Dr. [...]
Selecting A Personal Emergency Response System
Q: My sister lives alone and recently fell and broke her hip. Thankfully someone was there at the time, but it got me thinking about emergency lifeline buttons. How do I know how to select the right one for her? A: Lifeline is a brand name for what is called [...]
What Are Some Useful Tools To Help Care For Someone With Mobility Problems?
Q: I care for my husband, and he is having more and more mobility problems. What are some useful tools to help me care for him that I can get for my home? A: There are many different devices that can assist you in your care of your husband. These [...]
What Does Medicare Pay For At Home?
Q: I thought Medicare would pay for care at home after my surgery. What does Medicare pay for at home? A: I often hear from people a misconception about what Medicare covers for care in the home. It is very important for people to understand the benefits and limits [...]
‘Intergenerational Programming’ – What It Is And Why It’s Important
Q: I keep hearing about the value of intergenerational programming. What is it and why is it important? A: Intergenerational programming is just as it sounds. It is when programs include people of all ages and generations, older and younger, to benefit all groups of people. You may notice that [...]
Caregivers Need Care Too
Q: My friend is caring for her husband who needs her full assistance. How can I get her to take better care of herself while still caring for him? A: People who are caring for a loved one often put their own care and needs last. As a friend and [...]
Tips For Turning Over A New Leaf In Life – Whatever Your Age
Q: I have been unhappy lately and I feel like I need a new start in my life. How can I find ways to make changes and start over in a later phase of life? A: It is one thing to get a fresh start by moving or changing careers, [...]
How To Decide Which Mementos To Keep
Q: I am trying to clean out my home and de-clutter. How do I know what mementos are worth keeping and what I should give away? A: Evaluating our own belongings and making tough decisions about what to keep and what to give away is always a challenge. But, [...]
Warning Signs A Senior Neighbor May Be In Trouble
Q: I usually see my elderly neighbor almost every day checking his mail. For several days I did not see him, and I was worried. He has come out again and let me know he had been sick. It got me thinking: what should I do if I cannot [...]
What Does Being An ‘Advocate’ Mean?
Q: I know I need to be an advocate for my mother who is having medical problems, but I am not sure what that means. How can I be the best advocate for her? A: I commend you for stepping up to advocate for your mother and her medical [...]
Are Older Adults More Vulnerable To Heat?
Q: Why do people say older adults are more vulnerable in the heat? What do I need to know to protect myself? A: Studies show that it is difficult for older adults, even healthy ones, to notice the signs that they are too hot or dehydrated. It is interesting [...]
What Gift To Give The Senior Who Has Everything
Q: My mom is turning 80 and I feel like I have already exhausted all the usual gift ideas. What are some meaningful gifts that I can get her that she will appreciate? A: It can be challenging to think of gifts when we put a lot of pressure [...]