Senior Advocate
Martha Shapiro, Director of Programs at Senior Concerns, authors a weekly column for the Ventura County Star titled “Senior Advocate,” focusing on issues affecting seniors and their family caregivers.
What Does It Mean To Be A Caregiver?
Q: I have been helping my mom with errands and little things since my dad passed away. My friend said I am a caregiver, but my mom is still mostly independent. What does it mean to be a caregiver? A: If you are helping your mom and serving as her [...]
Spring Cleaning Tips With Safety In Mind
Q: I am feeling the urge to do some spring cleaning. What are some tips for how I can clean out with safety in mind. A: I commend you for feeling ready to refresh your home environment to feel ready for the springtime. I love any opportunity to organize, clean [...]
Preventing Dementia As You Age
Q: What can I do to help prevent dementia as I age? A: There is always something we can do to be healthier and lower our risk factors for dementia. It is never too late to make a positive change in your health. I recently attended the Senior Congress Senior [...]
Tips For Reducing Feelings Of Loneliness
Q: I have been feeling lonely lately even though I try and stay busy. What can I do to help stop feeling so lonely in my day? A: First, I will tell you that you are not alone in feeling alone. Studies show that 43 percent of older adults report [...]
Recognizing National Social Work Month
I have been a professional social worker for over 15 years. I entered the field because I wanted to work in a helping profession. I was not sure exactly how, but I loved the field of social work because it is so varied. It provides an educational foundation to work [...]
Advance Planning Before You Become Ill
Q: What do I need to know about making plans in case I become ill and can no longer make decisions for myself? A: Advanced care planning, making plans for the “what ifs” of the future, is an important step as an adult and can provide peace of mind. It [...]
What Can I Do To Feel Better In The Cold?
Q: This weather has been so hard on my joint pain. What can I do to help myself feel better in the cold? A: Many people believe they can predict the weather based on how their joints feel. There is some real research to support this idea, although there are [...]
How To Advocate For A Loved One
Q: My mom is currently in the hospital, and I think she needs to go to rehab before going home. How can I best advocate for her? A: When a loved one is in the hospital, they need you to be their advocate and ensure they get the care they [...]
Making Valentine’s Day Special When A Spouse Has Dementia
Q: My husband has dementia and will not remember that it is Valentine’s Day. How can I still make the day feel special? A: When your partner has dementia, it changes the way special days are celebrated. If your loved one cannot remember the date or understand the meaning, then [...]
Making Life Decisions After A Spouse Dies
Q: My husband passed away a few months ago and I want to move out of the house as soon as possible. My friends are all telling me I should not move right away. How soon is too soon? A: I am sorry to hear of the loss of your [...]
Where Can I Get Help Filing My Taxes For Free?
Q: Where can I get help filing my taxes for free? A: Tax season can be overwhelming. Having a reliable place to go for help is important. Thankfully, there are free and trustworthy programs available for seniors aged 60 or older, and to anyone with an income of $60,000 or [...]
What You Need To Know About The HomeShare Program
Q: What is the HomeShare Program and how can I learn more about it? A: Ventura County HomeShare is an innovative program that helps match people who have a home with extra room and people who are seeking a room to rent. Simply put, home sharing is an arrangement where [...]
The Delicate Question Of Senior Autonomy
Q: My 89-year-old mother gets upset with me when I can’t reach her on her home or cell phone, and I head over to her house to make sure she is OK. What can I do to reduce this stress? A: I can understand the stress behind this question. This [...]
Why Do The Years Feel Like They’re Moving Faster As I Age?
Q: I cannot believe it is 2024 already! Why do the years feel like they are moving faster as I age? A: It is quite normal to feel like time is speeding up as we get older. There are many reasons for this feeling. We can better understand why this [...]
Little steps can add up to big changes in the New Year
Q: How can I make this year better than last year? A: I imagine most people start a new year feeling ready for change, and ready to be better than before. But what does that really mean? I think it is important to be thoughtful about what you want [...]
Reflecting On The Past Year
As the year comes to an end it is a good time to reflect on the past 12 months. It can provide you with a way to resolve issues, learn from the past, and celebrate the good before starting a new year. The new year is often a time to [...]
Spending The Holidays With A Loved One Who Has Dementia
Q: My husband has dementia, and I am worried about the family spending time with him at Christmas. Many of them do not realize how different he is now, and I am afraid of what they will think. A: The holidays often bring people together who have not seen each [...]
What Is The Difference Between Hospice And Palliative Care?
Hospice and palliative care are both medical services that include interdisciplinary teams to provide pain and symptom relief. They are similar services, but with different goals of care. Hospice care is focused on comfort care without intent to cure the person. This is because either curative treatment options no longer [...]
Tips For Getting Motivated For The New Year
Q: How can I get through December and feel ready and motivated for the New Year? A: People handle the last month of the year in many ways. If you are like me, this entire month becomes like one big to-do list. I feel the stress before we enter [...]
Tips For Staying Healthy Around The Holidays
Q: It seems like everyone is getting sick right now. How can I stay healthy while going to holiday gatherings? A: As we head into winter we will see an increase in the cold, flu, and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). A winter increase in COVID cases is also expected as [...]