Senior Advocate
Martha Shapiro, Director of Programs at Senior Concerns, authors a weekly column for the Ventura County Star titled “Senior Advocate,” focusing on issues affecting seniors and their family caregivers.
Easing a loved one into assisted living
Q: I am moving my mother into an assisted living facility next week. How can I make the transition easier for her? A: A move into an assisted living facility can be filled with emotions. While there can be excitement about a new home that has meals provided and [...]
Short term worry vs prolonged anxiety
Q: My worrying has become so much worse this last year and now I feel like I cannot relax. I worry about my health, my family, the state of the world and everything in between! What can I do to help relax? A: Worrying as we age is very [...]
What is the difference between Palliative Care and Hospice Care at home?
A: Hospice and palliative care both include interdisciplinary teams that come to the home with the goal of providing comfort, stress reduction, and physical and psychosocial relief. Palliative Care is under the home health umbrella and strives to palliate a person's symptoms and disease management while still allowing them to [...]
Q: How can I build up my strength to prevent falls?
A: Building your strength and working on your balance is an excellent way to reduce your risk of falling. This is so important because the statistics about falls for older adults are very sobering. In fact, it is reported that every half hour an older adult dies as the [...]
Q. Is it true that hearing loss can lead to dementia?
A: It is not the hearing loss itself that increases the risk of dementia, but rather when the hearing loss is not addressed and corrected the risk of dementia goes up. In fact, it was recently found that vision loss also increases the risk for dementia. Both hearing and vision [...]
Q: Whenever I get together with my friends, we seem to talk about our aches and pains. What can we do to feel better?
A: As we get older aches and pains are very common. It is normal for our muscles to feel tighter and for our tendons and ligaments to be less flexible. This may be caused by weak muscles, or you may be under or overusing them. You may have osteoarthritis, [...]
Q: I was recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. Is there a diet I should be following?
A: While there is no prescription for a Parkinson’s Disease specific diet, a healthy lifestyle is a big part in improving your overall health and wellbeing. The right foods, along with the right medications, can help ease your symptoms and help maintain your overall health. Keep in mind when [...]
Q: I know my home is cluttered, but everything has meaning to me. How can I best find ways to declutter while still saving what is important?
A: Decluttering is important to maintain a safe, clean and comfortable home. It also can help how we feel because with excess “stuff” we often feel the weight of the possessions on our mood. I recently did a lot of decluttering and while the process was tiring, the result made [...]
Q: Can we still create core memories as an older adult?
A: The concept of core memories was brought to mainstream in the Pixar movie Inside Out. It shows the story of a pre-teen and how her emotions grow with her experiences. The movie highlights five “core memories,” which are memories from her life that have had the most affect [...]
Q: I have recently heard the term “positive aging” and want to understand what it means. Is this a change in the way people talk about aging?
A: I hope there is a change for the better in the way our society talks about aging. The truth is that more and more people are aging. And as my grandmother used to say, “its beats the alternative!” We should lean in and enjoy the benefits of aging [...]
Q: I am looking to hire in-home care. What questions should I ask the agency before hiring them?
A: It is always important to do your due diligence and research to find the right in-home care agency for your needs. Home care agencies provide care wherever the person resides, usually in their home or in assisted living. The goal is to help the person remain safe and as [...]
Q: What is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day and what does this mean for our community?
A: World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) is recognized on June 15 every year. It is meant to bring awareness and understanding of elder abuse and neglect. This is so important because, sadly, elder abuse is in every community. Approximately one in every ten people over the age of 60 [...]
Q: I care for my wife who has dementia. How will I know when it is the right time to move her to a facility for care?
A: I have often heard caregivers tell me that they will just “know” when it is time to place their loved one. Most of the time they tell me this because they are confident that it is not yet that time. The truth is that I am not sure anyone [...]
Why trying new things is part of healthy aging:
I have written many times about the importance of stepping outside your comfort zone and trying new things as we age. The benefits are not just enjoyable, but also good for your brain health. I was reminded of this recently when I met David De Vorre, who shared his [...]
Preparing for Future Needs
Q: Why should I prepare for my future needs now when I don’t know what my needs will be? A: Preparing for the future is always recommended, even though we often do not know what that will involve. It is like purchasing homeowner’s insurance. You do not know if [...]
Older Americans Month
Q: What is the theme of Older Americans Month this year? A: Established in 1963, Older Americans Month (OAM) is celebrated every May. Led by a federal agency, the Administration for Community Living (ACL), OAM is a time to recognize older Americans' contributions, highlight aging trends, and reaffirm commitments to [...]
Building Your Care Team
Senior Concerns hosted our annual Caregiver Recognition Day event last week and the theme was “Building Your Care Team.” It got me thinking about how all of us, not just family caregivers, need to think about who is in our Care Team. A care team is the people and agencies [...]
Tips On Finding Availble Monthly Benefits
Q: I am struggling to manage my monthly budget. How can I find out if I qualify for any benefits to help reduce my expenses? A: If you are struggling to cover your monthly costs now it is a good time to review your budget and expenses. I always recommend [...]
What Are The Best Options For Prepared Meals?
Q: I used to enjoy cooking but now it’s too difficult physically to stand and prepare meals for myself. What are some prepared meal options? A: There are many reasons people may no longer want to prepare meals from scratch as we age. The physical work needed to stand, bend, [...]
Honoring Family Caregivers
As a social worker in the field of gerontology, I have worked directly with family caregivers for my entire career. I have always been in awe of what family caregivers do to support and care for their loved ones. Last year I saw my mother become a full-time caregiver for [...]