31st  Anniversary Love Run presented by Logix Smarter Banking!

Sunday, June 1, 2025

100% of proceeds benefits Senior Concerns’ Meals On Wheels!


Chip Timed 5K & 10K
Virtual Run — Any distance, Anywhere
Awards for top 3 male & top 3 female finishers in all age groups for the 10K & 5K
Custom Finisher’s Medals for all participants
Finish Line Health & Wellness Expo
Pre-race day packet pick up
Tech Shirts & goodie bags for the first 2,000 Registrants

Sponsorship and Health & Wellness Expo Opportunities are Available!

Learn about Senior Concerns’ 50th Anniversary Support Meals On Wheels NOW Campaign!

31 Years and Over 1 Million Meals Delivered!

Fundraise and Donate

The Love Run is just ONE day out of 365 days each year that Senior Concerns dedicates to helping seniors in our community. Interested in finding out about more ways you can help?

Senior Concerns offers a variety of programs and services to our senior community, and there are so many ways you could lend a helping hand. Please continue to support seniors and their family caregivers in eastern Ventura and western Los Angeles counties all 365 days of the year!

Give us a call today: (805) 497-0189.

Love Run 2024 Highlights

Does your registration and donation really make a difference?  Meet three of our Meals On Wheels scholarship recipients who are being directly affected by your generosity!

Frieda: “I really like Meals on Wheels. I first got it when Jerry, my husband, had both dementia and Parkinson’s because I always had to be on top of things. I have met so many nice drivers who bring my meals. Susan is very helpful. She has a way of talking to me if I’m down that makes me laugh, and then I feel better. She wants to know how I’m doing, which is very nice. I talk about my wrinkles and we both laugh!”
Susan Primo, who has been driving for 30 years: “So many of these recipients are all alone with nobody, and delivering meals is a way of knowing if they are alright. Sometimes we are the only people they see all day, and they are so happy to see us.”


Claire: Although Claire does not engage in much conversation, when Driver Harlene asked her a question, she answered with a big smile and said, “It’s neat when you come over!” 
Harlene: “I’ve been delivering meals on Mondays for 10 years, and it has been such an enriching time for me, just a lovely, lovely addition to my life. People ask me, ‘But isn’t that sad?’ I tell them, ‘There’s not one bit of sadness.’ I learn so much from these wise people. I’ve watched people go from being shy and fearful to having big smiles like Claire has, because they feel comfortable, and needed, wanted, and heard.”


Elaine has been delivering meals on Mondays since 2018, and currently delivers five days/week for a total of 35 meals! She said, “I just love getting out into the community and meeting people like Brenda, knowing I can provide them a little bit of comfort and conversation. I want to make that connection. It’s powerful for me to make a difference in someone’s life.”
Brenda: “I start waiting for Elaine on Sunday, the night before she comes! I’m so happy she’s coming, and I get hungry, too. She always has my meal, and she always has my back.”