Ultimate Dining Sponsors
You can make a difference! By becoming an Ultimate Dining Experience Sponsor you can help Senior Concerns provide the programs necessary in our community.
- Thirty (30) reserved seats (3 tables) to the event with preferred placement
- Podium moment at the event
- Sponsor acknowledgement during the event program
- Two page spread in the event program book
- Recognition in social media blasts
- Logo/Name on marketing materials (if provided by printing deadline)
- Logo/Name on event signage
- Logo/Name on Senior Concerns website homepage
- Signage with Logo/Name on each of your three tables in ballroom
- Twenty (20) reserved seats (2 tables) to the event with preferred placement
- Sponsor acknowledgement during the event program
- Full Page ad in the event program book
- Recognition in social media blasts
- Logo/Name on marketing materials
- Logo/Name on event signage
- Logo/Name on Ultimate Dining page of Senior Concerns website
- Signage with Logo/Name on each of your two tables in ballroom
- Ten (10) reserved seats (1 table) to the event
- Sponsor acknowledgment during the event program
- Half page ad in the event program book
- Recognition in social media blasts
- Logo/Name on select marketing materials
- Logo/Name on Ultimate Dining Experience page of Senior Concerns website
- Signage with Logo/Name on your reserved table in ballroom
- Four (4) reserved seats to the event
- Quarter page ad in the event program book
- Logo/Name on Ultimate Dining Experience page of Senior Concerns website
Sponsor in partnership with another organization and move up to the Gold Level. Your sponsorship will be just $2,500 each, but you will receive all the benefits of a Gold Sponsorship as listed above.
- Two (2) reserved seats to the event
- Eighth page ad in the event program book
- Name on Ultimate Dining Experience page of Senior Concerns website
- Eighth page ad in the event program book
- Name on Ultimate Dining Experience page of Senior Concerns website
* All acknowledgments in our event advertisement are subject to print deadlines
Senior Concerns would like to thank this year’s sponsors. You can visit their web sites by clicking on their logo.
For more information on the Ultimate Dining 2025, or for sponsorship opportunities, please contact Andrea Gallagher, President, agallagher@seniorconcerns.org.