Q: Can you provide details about the new resource service at The Oaks shopping center? A: The Conejo Connections Resource Center opened at The Oaks on March 5 and is open from noon to 6 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday. It is at the food court on the lower level. The center aims to help residents find services in the community and volunteer opportunities. Partners who have worked on this service include the Thousand Oaks Council on Aging and Youth Commission, Conejo Youth Employment Services, the Conejo Recreation & Park District, the Conejo Senior Volunteer Program, The Oaks and Senior Concerns. The center is staffed by volunteers who can answer questions about services and volunteering opportunities in the area. If you want to volunteer at the center and are a youth who is at least 15, call Conejo Youth Employment at 496-6868 or the youth commission at 381-7362. If you are older than 55, call 381-2742. People of any age may call Stephanie at Senior Concerns at 497-0189. Q: I know to call 911 in an emergency, but I’m not sure what to expect when the operator answers. A: You will be much more effective when reporting an emergency if you know what will be expected of you. The dispatcher has the responsibility to obtain necessary information and send the appropriate help for an emergency as fast as possible. The most important thing you can do is to stay calm. When you call 911, a recording may ask you to wait for a dispatcher. Do not hang up and try to place a second call. This will delay the response time to the emergency. Calls to 911 are handled in the order received. If you hang up and redial you go to the end of the line. When the dispatcher comes on the line, explain your situation clearly and briefly. Give short and direct answers to questions. Follow any directions from the dispatcher exactly. If you have to leave the phone, do not hang up. When you have finished what you were told to do, return to the phone for more instructions. Never hang up on a 911 call until the dispatcher tells you to do so. Call 911 for any emergency. This call is free from all telephones including pay phones. Make nonemergency calls to the local number provided for the agency you are trying to reach. Happenings Friday: “Medicare Fraud and What Is HICAPP and How Can It Help You” seminar in English and Spanish. 10 a.m.; Fillmore Senior Center, 533 Santa Clara St., Fillmore. For information, call 524-4533. Saturday: “Live Well — Age Well” expo with more than 30 booths, health screenings and five doctor-led seminars — What Every Senior Should Know; Nutrition & Longevity; What Screening Do You Need; Adult Vaccines: The Myths & Realities; and Take Action — Stay Heart Healthy. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.; Goebel Adult Community Center, 1385 E. Janss Road, Thousand Oaks. For information, call 381-2744, June 2: Senior Concerns Love Run. Registration and packet pickup, 3011 Townsgate Road in Westlake Village, 6:30 a.m.; 10K race, 7:45 a.m.; 5K race, 8 a.m.; one-mile walk/run, 9:15 a.m. For information, contact Senior Concerns at 497-0189 or loverun@seniorconcerns.org . More …
Center helps people find resources, volunteer opportunities
About the Author: Betty Berry
Betty Berry brings a deep understanding of senior issues to her position as Senior Advocate for Senior Concerns. She has advocated for seniors since 1993. Through the Health Insurance Counseling Advocacy Program, known as HICAP, she is registered with the State of California as an Insurance Counselor, a Long-Term Care Insurance Counselor and a Community Educator.
She has served on the Area Agency on Aging’s Advisory Council as a member and Chair, has been a member of the Financial Abuse Strategic Team (FAST) and currently serves on the Conejo Senior Volunteer Program (CSVP) Advisory Board and authors the Senior Advocate column that appears in the Ventura County Star.
Betty completed her undergraduate degree at California Lutheran University and earned her Juris Doctorate degree at Ventura College of Law.