Footprints in the Community

Dementia Friendly Ventura County

The goals of DFVC are:

  • To create a county where persons with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are valued and respected, feel safe, and their caregivers are supported;
  • To educate and inform all entities that serve the public about the unique needs of this population to better serve and support them; and
  • To promote community awareness of the condition and how individuals and businesses can make a positive difference.

Senior Concerns serves on the leadership team of the Dementia Friendly Ventura County Initiative.

LGBT Aging Coalition of Ventura County

Mission: The LGBT Coalition on Aging, is dedicated to providing a network of resources and education in support of LGBT older adults living in Ventura County

Formed in late 2015, the LGBT Coalition on Aging (LGBT COA) brought together many allies and members of the LGBT community. The mission was developed in response to an understanding that the needs of the older adult LGBT population are unique and not being fully met in Ventura County. Older adults in this community face difficult challenges as they become more vulnerable and need to rely on outside services for assistance and care.

The LGBT COA offers quarterly LGBT Aging Services Network meetings giving service providers a chance to network with other older adult service providers who share the goal of being LGBT friendly.

The LGBT COA meets monthly and is open to public members. If interested please contact to learn more.


Ventura County Area Agency on Aging

The Ventura County Area Agency on Aging (VCAAA), an agency of the County of Ventura, is the principal agency in Ventura County charged with the responsibility to promote the development and implementation of a comprehensive coordinated system of care that enables older individuals and their caregivers to live in a community-based setting and to advocate for the needs of those 60 years of age and older in the county, providing leadership and promoting citizen involvement in the planning process as well as in the delivery of services.

Senior Concerns’ Director of Programs serves as the Vice Chair on the elected Advisory Council of the VCAAA to represent service providers.

Ventura County Coalition for Compassionate Care

The mission of the Ventura County Coalition for Compassionate Care (VCCCC) is to improve the quality of life for all Ventura County residents by educating, counseling, and encouraging the public and healthcare professionals to share their knowledge, goals, and priorities.  We promote timely advance care planning and understanding of medical treatment options for those of all ages, especially those with chronic and serious illness.

Senior Concerns serves on the steering committee for the Ventura County Coalition for Compassionate Care.

Ventura County Transportation Commission

The SSTAC is charged with providing input to the Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) on a variety of transportation issues, including the review of findings developed from an annual public hearing on possible Unmet Transit Needs which is held each Spring. The committee meets to discuss and advise the Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) on transportation needs and major transit issues in Ventura County.

Conejo Valley Village

CVV is a community led by older adults who share their skills, support and expertise with each other to navigate the challenges and opportunities of aging. We believe a better experience of aging is possible when we can grow with and rely on each other. Every day, our members and volunteers come together to provide support services and create new possibilities for what’s next as we age. When we unite as peers, we create a purposeful and powerful space for learning, laughter and courage.

The Financial Abuse Specialist Team

A multidisciplinary team of Adult Protective Services, Police Departments, FBI, Attorney’s specializing in Elder Law, District Attorney’s Office, Office of the Public Guardian, Case Managers and Social Workers who work together in providing support and resources for victims of finanacial elder abuse. 

The Financial Abuse Specialist Team (FAST) provides 10 education sessions per year for professionals which include educational materials about the prevention, detection, assessment, treatment and intervention and investigation of elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation, including financial exploitation. Workshops and classes are usually offered at senior centers and other locations where older adults convene.

Senior Concerns is a member of this collaborative team

Conejo Senior Resource Network

Conejo CSRN is a diverse group of experienced professionals providing products and services to our senior community. Through collaboration and community outreach, CSRN serves as a hub for anyone needing senior solutions for their family and loved ones. We are a valued referral resource for our members and a trusted advisor to the community.

Senior Concerns is a member of this network.

Ventura County Military Collaborative

The Ventura County Military Collaborative (VCMilC) is a non-profit organization which is proud to offer a variety of free programs and events with the overall goal to improve services to the military community of Ventura County. VCMilC consists of over 195 agencies who serve Ventura County Military, Veterans and their families.

Senior Concerns is a member of this collaborative