Q:  I used to enjoy cooking but now it’s too difficult physically to stand and prepare meals for myself. What are some prepared meal options?

A: There are many reasons people may no longer want to prepare meals from scratch as we age. The physical work needed to stand, bend, chop, and stir may be too difficult. It might become too exhausting to shop for all the needed ingredients, carry the bags and put everything away. We may also just not feel the effort is worth it anymore if we are cooking for only one or two people, and our appetite may be less than it used to be.

Whatever the reasons, ensuring you still get nutrient rich foods is important for your overall health. Thankfully, there are more prepared food options than ever before. You want to think about what your preparation needs are, what you enjoy eating, and what your health concerns are. Many prepared foods are high in sodium and added sugar and other unwanted ingredients, so you want to be mindful of your choices.

If you are able to go to the grocery store and enjoy picking out your food in person, then consider stores that have a good variety of prepared foods. Most every store will have frozen prepared meals as well, but be sure to check the sodium levels as these tend to be high.

Most grocery stores now also offer fresh, not frozen, premade meals in serving sizes for one or two people. You can buy a few to keep in your fridge and heat up when you are ready. Consider buying precut fruits and vegetables to have on hand for easy healthy snacks.

If you are unable to go to the grocery store there is a Senior Nutrition Program through the county that may be right for you. One program offers meals in a congregate setting if you are able to get out to access it. And one program is for people who are homebound and unable to get to a congregate site. You can learn more about these options in Ventura County and find the one nearest to you by calling the Area Agency on Aging at 805-477-7300. In Los Angeles County you can call 1 (800) 510-2020 to learn about these options near you.

If you are managing chronic conditions or recently discharged from a hospital you may want to check with your health insurance provider to see if they offer medically appropriate and nutritious meals delivered to your home as part of your health benefit.

There are also many companies now that gear food delivery for older adult needs. Some of these companies include Mom’s Meals, Silver Cuisine and Snap Kitchen.

Getting almost anything delivered nowadays is an option, including groceries and restaurant meals. Apps like Door Dash, Uber Eats and Grub Hub offer delivery from local restaurants. These can be good options to supplement and for last-minute needs. The cost is higher, however, with added fees and tips. If you like this option but do not have the ability to use an app, there is a business called Go Go Grandparents that allows you to order through them by phone (for a fee). You can call them at 1 (855) 464-6872.

There are many options when it comes to prepared meals but finding what is best for you may take some time. You will have to consider cost, ease, nutrition, and taste buds. You may want to consult your physician about your nutritional needs or see if you can be referred to a dietitian to help you meal plan. Try different options and find what works best for you.

Martha Shapiro can be reached at Senior Concerns at 805-497-0189 or by email at mshapiro@seniorconcerns.org.

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